'='' x-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' 2:>'='' y-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' 3:>'='' z-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' '='' enter='' your='' choice='' ':='; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout<<' '='' enter='' the='' angle='' ':='; cin>>theta; theta=(theta*3.14)/180; for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]; temp=edge[i][1]; temp1=edge[i][2]; edge[i][1]=temp*cos(theta)-temp1*sin(theta); edge[i][2]=temp*sin(theta)+temp1*cos(theta); } draw_cube(edge); break; case 2: cout<<' '='' enter='' the='' angle='' ':='; cin>>theta; theta=(theta*3.14)/180; for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][1]=edge[i][1]; temp=edge[i][0]; temp1=edge[i][2]; edge[i][0]=temp*cos(theta)+temp1*sin(theta); edge[i][2]=-temp*sin(theta)+temp1*cos(theta); } draw_cube(edge); break; case 3: cout<<' '='' enter='' the='' angle='' ':='; cin>>theta; theta=(theta*3.14)/180; for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][2]=edge[i][2]; temp=edge[i][0]; temp1=edge[i][1]; edge[i][0]=temp*cos(theta)-temp1*sin(theta); edge[i][1]=temp*sin(theta)+temp1*cos(theta); } draw_cube(edge); break; } }void reflect(double edge[20][3]) { int ch; int i; clrscr(); cout<<' -='[' reflection='' about='' ]='-';' cout<<'='' 1:>'='' x-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' 2:>'='' y-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' 3:>'='' z-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' '='' enter='' your='' choice='' ':='; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]; edge[i][1]=-edge[i][1]; edge[i][2]=-edge[i][2]; } draw_cube(edge); break; case 2: for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][1]=edge[i][1]; edge[i][0]=-edge[i][0]; edge[i][2]=-edge[i][2]; } draw_cube(edge); break; case 3: for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][2]=edge[i][2]; edge[i][0]=-edge[i][0]; edge[i][1]=-edge[i][1]; } draw_cube(edge); break; } }void perspect(double edge[20][3]) { int ch; int i; double p,q,r; clrscr(); cout<<' -='[' perspective='' projection='' about='' ]='-';' cout<<'='' 1:>'='' x-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' 2:>'='' y-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' 3:>'='' z-axis='' ';='' cout<<'='' '='' enter='' your='' choice='' ':='; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout<<' '='' enter='' p='' ':='; cin>>p; for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]/(p*edge[i][0]+1); edge[i][1]=edge[i][1]/(p*edge[i][0]+1); edge[i][2]=edge[i][2]/(p*edge[i][0]+1); } draw_cube(edge); break; case 2: cout<<' '='' enter='' q='' ':='; cin>>q; for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][1]=edge[i][1]/(edge[i][1]*q+1); edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]/(edge[i][1]*q+1); edge[i][2]=edge[i][2]/(edge[i][1]*q+1); } draw_cube(edge); break; case 3: cout<<' '='' enter='' r='' ':='; cin>>r; for(i=0;i<20;i++) { edge[i][2]=edge[i][2]/(edge[i][2]*r+1); edge[i][0]=edge[i][0]/(edge[i][2]*r+1); edge[i][1]=edge[i][1]/(edge[i][2]*r+1); } draw_cube(edge); break; } closegraph(); }void main() { int choice; double edge[20][3]= { 100,0,0, 100,100,0, 0,100,0, 0,100,100, 0,0,100, 0,0,0, 100,0,0, 100,0,100, 100,75,100, 75,100,100, 100,100,75, 100,100,0, 100,100,75, 100,75,100, 75,100,100, 0,100,100, 0,100,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,100, 100,0,100 }; while(1) { clrscr(); show_message(); cout<<' 1:>'='' draw='' cube='' ';='' cout<<'='' 2:>'='' scaling='' ';='' cout<<'='' 3:>'='' rotation='' ';='' cout<<'='' 4:>'='' reflection='' ';='' cout<<'='' 5:>'='' translation='' ';='' cout<<'='' 6:>'='' perspective='' projection='' ';='' cout<<'='' 7:>'='' exit='' ';='' cout<<'='' '='' enter='' your='' choice='' ':='; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: draw_cube(edge); break; case 2: scale(edge); break; case 3: rotate(edge); break; case 4: reflect(edge); break; case 5: translate(edge); break; case 6: perspect(edge); break; case 7: exit(0); default: cout<<' a'='' press='' a='' valid='' key..!!!='' ';='' getch();='' break;='' }='' closegraph();='' }=''>
- Slic3r is free software, developed by Alessandro Ranellucci with the help of several contributors and a wonderful community. Join the discussion on GitHub and help us make it better! If you find this software useful, want to say thanks and encourage development, please consider a donation ( more about donations ).
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- Slic3r is free software, developed by Alessandro Ranellucci with the help of several contributors and a wonderful community. Join the discussion on GitHub and help us make it better! If you find this software useful, want to say thanks and encourage development, please consider a donation ( more about donations ).
- We share 10 free 3D modeling software programs for the budget-conscious 3D artists. Once you have the right 3D modeling software, you'll be able to produce stunning 3D designs for your online design portfolio —and featuring such a hot skill is sure to lure in potential clients and employers on the hunt for modeling software experts.
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